Why “Rayuela”?


Growing up in the depths of an isolated spanish town far from the clamour of the big city entails the possibility of a childhood that’s exclusively for oneself- full of daily events which merge into one mythical dream, as an indestructible summer. Back there we ran freely through the streets, spent days at a time playing in the square. We read and danced and laughed, and tore our clothing in mundane adventures that, in reality, were gorgeous myths to our very own narrative canon.

Rayuela en Buenos Aires 1960. dmiventana.png

Playing hopscotch was the first expression of rhythm and dance we experienced. It embodied what swing dancing is for us, before we knew what swing was.
Something spontaneous, that exists far away from the realm of adulthood, in its own time and space.


Julio Cortázar and his Rayuela are intimately intertwined with those memories. Cortázar’s passion for jazz and his prose -full of swing, full of rhythm and cadence that he would carefully print along with his words- sketch an universe made out of improvisation, of warmth and of magical realism. We pay homage to that universe as well, and the name "Rayuela" is our ode to swing, to what it is for us, and to what it has given us.


Meet Samu