Level description - partner dance

This includes Lindy Hop, Shag and Blues.



This level is targeted at people who have no experience or very brief or inconsistent experience with the dance in question.

This is your level if you:

•Have never danced

•Have danced very briefly

•Have never danced but are an advanced dancer in another dance discipline (you still need to go through the basics!)

•Are registering for a particular swing dance discipline (e.g. shag) and are an experienced dancer at another swing dance discipline (e.g. lindy hop)



This level is targeted at people who are comfortable dancing, have a solid foundation of the basics, and have no problem improvising throughout the course of a song. To join this level you must have been informed by previous instructors -or ourselves- that you are well fitted for an intermediate or up course.

This is your level if you:

Have been dancing for a consistent period of time

•Are very comfortable with your basics

•Feel like you can humbly take the advice of instructors or social dance partners

•Are willing to work in becoming a better dancer and a more active listener to your partner

•Have been instructed to join an intermediate course


This level is targeted at people who have had some consistent experience with the dance and have attended beginner classes or workshops followed by some social dance to solidify their basics.

This is your level if you:

•Have gone through a beginner course

•Are familiar with both triple steps and kick steps, the concepts of 6 and 8 counts, basic shapes [this will be different for each dance (e.g. lindy hop would be send outs, change places, bring ins, promenades, flip flops, slingshots, circles, swing outs)]

•Generally feel like you are comfortable -even if the occasional mistake is made- going through a whole song



This level is targeted at people who are very comfortable picking up rhythms and dance moves in class, have no problem adapting and changing their social dance to match their partner and make them comfortable, and have an easy time learning the material both visually and verbally.

This is your level if you:

•Can learn shapes and rhythms easily

• Can focus on the nuances of technique and musicality

• Generally have a comfortable time taking in corrections and incorporating them into your dance

• Are ready to be humble with your partner and work on yourself while also helping them out

• Have been instructed to join an intermediate/advanced course

If you are unsure about your level- please shoot us a message!